Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Empire Strikes Back

From Comments, the FedIdiots have responded to Costa Mesa's federal lawsuit and the resultant temporary summary federal injunction last week that kept FedGov baboons from dumping 50 coronavirus infected persons into a totally unsuitable and unprepared abandoned Camp Retard in the heart of Orange County CA today.

Allow me to summarize their case to the federal court:

I've gotta say, it's a pretty ballsy move to respond to the court by inferring that the judge who slapped you silly in the first place should lift the injunction, based on the contention that she was a clueless moron for issuing that injunction.
"Your Honor should lift this injunction, because the court was clearly deranged when it issued it. We therefore request that you ignore the pointed questions from the Boobs of Boobville in daring to question our supreme right to do whateverinhell we wish, without any public input or oversight whatsoever, because FedGov. Signed, Poindexter X. Busybody, Federal Bureau of Asininity"


I'm pretty sure that's a great way to get your case thrown out of federal court so hard and fast it doesn't even hit the courthouse steps before it lands in the gutter, and to ensure that the injunction will become a permanent stay.

I could be mistaken, though. Perhaps they've found a federal judge who enjoys being told that she was unequivocally stupid and clueless when she issued her previous ruling.

Go, Team Fucktard!

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