Friday, September 7, 2018

Still Alive

Been having too much fun doing other things (including months - yes months - away from the E.D.!) to post here as much lately as formerly, but dropping in, I caught up with the three or four still-active blogs, put one oldie but goodie on life support, and buried three others that were cold, dead, and all shriveled up and dry.

I've also notched two more hospitals on my gunbelt, including a ferocious ghetto trauma center, working on two more hospitals (simultaneously!), and dipping my toes back into getting at least one full-time staff position.

I've mentioned it before, but there's a dearth of worthwhile blogs on nursing, especially for Emergency medicine, and the few worthy ones who pop up once in a blue moon simply almost never last.

I, OTOH, am pretty much terminally incapable of shutting up.
Just been cranking out too much content elsewhere.

So I'll try and put more time into things here, if only because by sheer survival, I'll eventually be the best, oldest, and last ER nursing blog still standing. And pretty much the only one.

As one doc I worked with used to note about the ERs nearby that had closed temporarily due to "patient saturation" (when ours never would, legendarily so), there's only one reason they did that:

"It's because they're weak."

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