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If some of them seem familiar, you may have met them when they were the 2104 Ebola Response Planning Group. Why break up a winning team?? |
So, originally, the quarantine camps (and, presumably treatment centers) for those exposed to or positive for coronavirus were supposed to be Travis AFB in NorCal, and March ARB is So Cal.
Which, being both long-time military bases, and former SAC bases, have built in safety, security, and seclusion, plus obviously being airbases, making transport in and out stupid simple, and with the post Cold War drawdown, both bases having ample unused space to erect an ad hoc quarantine camp within the confines.
And then, 50-IQ (I'm being sporting) federal officials with CDC et al got some wild hare soopergenius idea to suddenly move 50 people known to be infected with full-blown coronavirus infection to the former Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa, once a giant campus for short-bus kids, and abandoned for years recently. (Because who wouldn't want to dump a bunch of people suffering this year's probable global pandemic right in the center of Orange County a few miles from Disneyland, instead of on a dingy old military base with SAC-level fences and perimeter security, amirite?)
And then the city of Costa Mesa, in which it is located, got wind of the scheme, and they asked a few teensy questions.
Questions like:
1) The facility has been abandoned and idle for years, nigh onto a decade. The toilets don't flush, the water doesn't run, there's no power, and nothing's been in service for years. So how, exactly, do you propose to get water, power, sewage and waste disposal service, and a few million other things there up and running, in 24 hours or less? Were you going to magically pull all that out of your ass, Uncle Sugar,...or what?
2) What's your containment plan for this? The facility, in the middle of residential neighborhoods, is contiguous to high-density apartments and a public golf course, with two schools nearby. Just wondering?
3) So, if something - anything - happens there once you bring in the infected patients, and someone dials 9-1-1, how, exactly, did you contemplate we're going to respond to the scene of a known international pandemic biohazard site? And where would we take new victims, as opposed to just leaving them right there?
4) What local hospital(s) will be co-operating with and assisting with care there?
5) How were you planning on dealing with the metric f**ktons of biohazard waste?
6) How many people did you imagine you could put there, and for how long?
7) What's your master plan for decon when and if the site is closed down?
And a few hundred other basic and pertinent questions, to which, apparently, the answer from the Black Gaping Maw of Fedholia was, "Fuck all if we know!"
And then sanity made an appearance, and a federal judge stepped in at the request of the city in question, issuing an immediate restraining order on executing any such jackassical "plan", until such time as the feds have the slightest wild clue about WTH they're doing, and how they'll accomplish it, and can explain it all in open court in blistering detail.
The question I want answered is What effing jet-fuel genius thought they could just whistle up a derelict abandoned state facility, and turn it into a biohazard refugee camp and instant hospital, on an effing whim?!?!?
And WTH would anyone suddenly decide that two underutilized former SAC bases were "unsuitable" for people known to be infected with Kung Flu???
This smacks of bureaucratic retards finger-banging the pie because they could, and dollars to donuts, from 3000 miles away, in a windowless bastion of stupidity impenetrable to common sense.
Even using Alcatraz Federal Prison makes more bare sense than this, and it's been derelict for nearly as long, but if anyone is serious, the correct answer is either an under-used military base, exactly as originally planned, or a scratch-built purposefully-designed biohazard facility out in the desert, miles from anyone else, surrounded by layers of concertina containment and a moat.
No one's copping to burping out this asinine plan to dump them into vacant acreage amidst millions of people literally just yards away, which leads one to believe someone in Washington District of Criminals is spilling industrial quantities of blood out of the fresh cleat holes in his own junk right about now.
The inescapable answer is that one of the former residents of Camp Retard grew up, got a job with FEMA or the CDC, and thought moving 50-2000 infected patients into his old Camp Snoopy home would work like a charm. Because FedGov.
Apparently thinking about things like personnel, operations, logistics, and medical basics, not to mention site security, was never thought of. Not once. Not even as an afterthought.
And just to be scrupulously fair, there is probably no place whatsoever in Los Angeles or Orange Counties - none at all - where anyone with more than two functional brain cells (which automagically de-selects 99.98% of government workers out of the decision tree) could or should contemplate placing people with coronavirus, for any articulable reason on God's green earth, that would withstand five seconds' intelligent scrutiny. Unless you were a military biowar planner trying to optimize the spread of the virus in about 0.2 seconds.
Sleep tight, America.
Once again, we've put our biggest dumbasses and @$$clowns right in the lead on this outbreak.
What could possibly go wrong?
And when you start getting all black helicopter about how this started in China, try to remember that their government officials are even less sophisticated and intelligent than ours.
Dear FedGov: Word to your mother:
It's bad enough that you clearly are using baboons throwing darts to come up with your emergency plans, in about 99.99832% of documented actual events.
But it's probably far worse to find out, publicly like this, that both the baboons, and their keepers, are being fed a steady diet of crack cocaine, LSD, and Thunderbird.
Fed Response: The Empire Strikes Back
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