Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Surprising no one with a brain, and thus everyone at CDC and most any media outlet, it turns out that No one in any capacity at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital was prepared or equipped, physically or mentally, to properly and adequately deal with and treat Ebola patient Thomas Duncan, not even on the SECOND time he entered that facility for care.


(CNN) -- The Texas hospital where a nurse contracted Ebola while caring for a patient had guidelines that were "constantly changing" and didn't have protocols on how to deal with the deadly virus," a nurses' union claims.
"The protocols that should have been in place in Dallas were not in place, and that those protocols are not in place anywhere in the United States as far as we can tell," National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro said Tuesday night. "We're deeply alarmed."
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas treated Thomas Eric Duncan before his death from Ebola last week. Nurse Nina Pham, who cared for him, is being treated for the virus.
CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said the claims, if true, are "startling." He said some of them could be "important when it comes to possible other infections."
Officials from National Nurses United declined to specify how many nurses they had spoken with, nor identify them to to protect them from possible retaliation. The nurses at the hospital are not members of a union, officials said.

Here's a look at some of the allegations the nurses made, according to the union:
Claim: Duncan wasn't immediately isolated
On the day that Duncan was admitted to the hospital with possible Ebola symptoms, he was "left for several hours, not in isolation, in an area where other patients were present," union co-president Deborah Burger said.
Up to seven other patients were present in that area, the nurses said, according to the union.
A nursing supervisor faced resistance from hospital authorities when the supervisor demanded that Duncan be moved to an isolation unit, the nurses said, according to the union.
Claim: The nurses' protective gear left their necks exposed
After expressing concerns that their necks were exposed even as they wore protective gear, the nurses were told to wrap their necks with medical tape, the union says.
"They were told to use medical tape and had to use four to five pieces of medical tape wound around their neck. The nurses have expressed a lot of concern about how difficult it is to remove the tape from their neck," Burger said.
Claim: At one point, hazardous waste piled up
"There was no one to pick up hazardous waste as it piled to the ceiling," Burger said. "They did not have access to proper supplies."
Claim: Nurses got no "hands-on" training
"There was no mandate for nurses to attend training," Burger said, though they did receive an e-mail about a hospital seminar on Ebola.
"This was treated like hundreds of other seminars that were routinely offered to staff," she said.
Claim: The nurses "feel unsupported"
So why did the group of nurses -- the union wouldn't say how many -- contact the nursing union, which they don't belong to?
According to DeMoro, the nurses were upset after authorities appeared to blame nurse Pham, who has contracted Ebola, for not following protocols.
"This nurse was being blamed for not following protocols that did not exist. ... The nurses in that hospital were very angry, and they decided to contact us," DeMoro said.
And they're worried conditions at the hospital "may lead to infection of other nurses and patients," Burger said.
A hospital spokesman did not respond to the specific allegations, but said patient and employee safety is the hospital's top priority.
"We take compliance very seriously. We have numerous measures in place to provide a safe working environment, including mandatory annual training and a 24-7 hotline and other mechanisms that allow for anonymous reporting," hospital spokesman Wendell Watson said.
The Dallas mayor declined to comment on the accusations against the hospital.
"I don't comment on anonymous allegations," Mike Rawlings said.
But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a statement following the union's claims.
"For health care workers in Dallas and elsewhere, the Ebola situation is extremely difficult," CDC spokeman Tom Skinner wrote.
"The CDC is committed to their safety, and we'll continue to do everything possible to make sure they have what they need so they can prepare to safely manage Ebola patients."

There was no protocol in place.
They made shit up as they went along, every day.
They exposed staff, other patients, and anyone nearby to a deadly disease because of incompetence, no planning, no training, and flagrant disregard for everything but their bottom line.
Equipment, basic supplies, and routine infrastructure was utterly lacking, and totally inappropriate to manage so much as ONE Ebola patient safely or successfully.
They ignored staff concerns, and resisted common sense suggestions on the spot.
They're falling back on "annual CYA training" to paper over their reckless disregard for common sense and everyone's safety.
They threw front-line staff under the bus at the first opportunity, both figuratively, and by letting them be exposed to a deadly pathogen.
The other authorities within whose purview the hospital functions have their heads up their asses, and continue to spout happygas platitudes, while refusing to step in, lop off heads, and fix the problems RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

I take no joy in Dallas getting exactly the people they deserve, from hospital administrators to the mayor, because the situation is no different in any and every city in America right now. Including yours.

And the lack of preparedness, the cavalier disregard of common sense, the blatant stupidity, the blind allegiance to and faith in their own non-existent competence and intelligence, have exposed Americans to Ebola, infected Americans to Ebola, and will, in all likelihood, kill Americans with Ebola, just as if they put a bullet in their heads with their own hands.

Pitchfork, torches, and a noose, motherfuckers. Right now, across the board.
And no, I don't mean metaphorically.

If I lived in Dallas, I'd be building a goddamned scaffold across the street from THP, and I'd have WANTED:MURDER posters with pictures of the mayor, the heads of the county heath and state health departments, and the hospital officers, going up on every wall and pole in that city, right now.

The CDC (and the lifelong asstards at the Joint Commission) , nominally responsible for ensuring that hospitals have their infectious disease crap together, deserve their own scaffold in D.C.

And it's still not too late. Because for some mistakes, "Sorry" just doesn't cut it.

Now does anyone not understand that if their lips are moving, they're lying to you?
And have been since this outbreak started?

UPDATE: THP Nurse Today Show exclusive interview
No prior Ebola discussions
No prior training
Infectious Disease specialists called: 
"We don't know [what you should do.] We'll have to call you back."
Nurses caring for Duncan + other patients at same time
Duncan placed in non-isolated ER area near other exposed patients
Inadequate protective gear
No disinfection for doctors moving from Duncan to other patients, and told by Infectious Disease staff that was okay
Isolation patient handling protocols changing daily
Nurses were lied to by supervisory staff
Infectious Ebola materials left exposed in common areas of hospital where everyone was walking by - staff, patients, and visitors
Nurse in interview concerned about hospital reprisals for speaking out publicly


  1. If "Dr" Gupta doesn't believe the nurses' claims, he must not be practicing medicine any more.

  2. I think he does believe them, and it shocks him, which is an observation on how far removed he is from normal hospital practice.

  3. "Startling" is that sudden stop at the end of a rope after a public lynching, Do you think Dr Gupta knows that?

  4. I'm still clinging to the hope that the CDC and other medical authorities are capable of learning and adapting, and will do so. We face a terrible threat in Ebola, but it's neither the first nor the worst global crisis that America has weathered, and it doesn't have to become that. At our best, as a society, we have proven that we can be resilient and resourceful. We have a demonstrated track record of exceeding ourselves, not least because of our willingness to help one another in times of need and because of our deeply ingrained traits of pragmatism and common sense. Those traits, I'll grant you, have been seldom seen or heard from in recent years; but I will not believe that they have somehow vanished completely from our national character.

  5. Well said.

    Unfortunately exercising those traits to any effective degree and in a timely manner is going to require either a monumental shift in attitude, or the functional equivalent of a coup, whether that involves legal means like impeachment, or tanks on the White House lawn, or a mob with torches and pitchforks, a tumbrel cart, and a guillotine.

    Watching things devolve to cascading levels of disaster requires nothing but continued official inertia and repeated demonstration of mind-boggling incompetence.

    Though I hope I'm wrong, I'm betting on the latter being what we get.

  6. The individuals, not the 'hospital' but the real people with real names who earn real money and who really knew how dangerous this is need to be brought up on both civil and criminal charges. Personal accountability for the leadership. The top administrator of the hospital should have stood in front of cameras and begged the CDC for help if he wanted to cover himself and more importantly the innocent nurses, clerks, patients, janitors, etc. Hospitals do not make decisions. Individual people with names make decisions. They are paid a lot. They must be held accountable or this will never end.

  7. The people truely responsible will never be held responsible. I will be stunned if they even resign.

    Ready for some more fun facts? I'm a temp worker. At the last place there was a guy who was a little slow. Couldn't really spot it right away, but after a day of workig w/him - yes, he's a little slow. Took me 3 tries to get him to understand that if you suspect that you have ebola (as Duncan did) you do NOT walk into an emegancy department. He keep saying "but the guy was really sick! what else was he supposed to do?" I keep telling him "what somebody did later! call CDC! You do NOT walk your infectious self into a room full of people!"

    I'm hoping he actually got it. Not willing to lay bets on it though.

    So your fun fact for today is that at least 1 other person thinks that it is totally acceptable to walk into a room full of people when you have something deadlt & contagious.

    Sleep well. :-P


  8. deadly. something deadly & contagious

    sorry about the spelling! and the repeats. bedtime for Denise
